Sunday, October 7, 2018


Theoretical estimate of pions mass
It can be noted that each one of the exchange reaction violates the law of conservation of energy for a very short time between emission and absorption of pions.
This temporary failure of energy conservation can be used to obtain a theoretical estimate of the pions mass
According to uncertainty principle.
Where del-E is the uncertainty in the energy measurements and del-t is the time interval between the ejection of a pion by one nucleon and its capture by another and h is planks constant. The range R of a nuclear force is about 1.5 Fermi if the pion travels with velocity of light c then

This value of change in energy gives the mass of pion exchanged between the nucleus and is very close to the mass of pion (140MeV) determined experimentally. This proves that exchange particle involved in exchange reaction is pi-meson as predicted by Yukawa

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